Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Langkawi Weather Update - June

It is a better mix of very fine weather and rains now. Still a long way to rainy season but at least it is now pleasantly livable...:-)

A TV program shows drought that has been hitting China in recent years and people are crying for water. The show predicts India and China will eventually face an impactful water crisis if the countries continue to grow at such a rapid rate. Both might have to fight for the right for certain water resources in the future and I was thinking why are we complaining about too much rains when there are people dreaming to be fed with little water everyday?

We are very blessed to be rained...........:-) And be contented. 

Monday, 6 June 2011

We are back....!!! New blog Address : www.wiralgk.blogspot.com

We have no idea why our blog was scrapped.

But we thought maybe we had used too many info from other sources. Could that be the reasons? Can someone clarify this?

Whatever it is, we will be more careful from now on...

It wasn't our intention to "steal" your IP. We thought it would make you more good than bad as we were actually promoting your brands and perhaps ideas.

Whatever it is, we still hope that "blogger" could explain to us why were we being scrapped...

Thanks guys who were with us previously....and we are back! :)